Wednesday, October 13, 2004

So It All Begins Again - Neo-Blog Style!

Just a note for everyone: The livejournal was found a day after I posted it by the asshole I was avoiding. Therefore, I have no choice but to take drastic measures. I have decided to totally abandon live journal and start fresh here. If you've gotten the journal link already, then you've already read the following post. If not, well then it's NEW TO YOU! Everyone else, welcome to the Rama-Blog!

Seems like just yesterday I started writing a journal. Seems like just yesterday it was HUGE, and a whole lot more people than I ever knew about would read it. Seems like just yesterday that I shut down my journal *Which can be found here:* because of that douchebag John Loren and his inability to keep his ignorant ass and offensive comments to himself *Also the reason this journal is given out on request only* Seems like just yesterday I created this new account, at the start of summer, and then got caught up with the pleasures and pain of summer life, and this collected dust. I've been planning on writing this entry for quite a long time, and every time I started it, I either lost the passion to write *I can't this without the desire or urge to write* or life just became too busy. Regardless, it's here now, on an overcast, hung over Sunday afternoon, that it's going up. Lets get to it, Neo-Journal style.The Summer of Fun - Of Love - And Fuckin EckerdsSo this summer was pretty great. I was with Anna almost every day *A fact a loved, coming out of the last semester only seeing her on weekends* My family was good *Mostly* I was introduced - and subsequently addicted to - E-Bay, and all the buying good *PS2, controllers, DVDs, games* and bad *PS2, Import DVDS, cheap material* that came of that. It was the summer of concerts, and I saw more bands in one summer than I probably ever will again *Some never by choice. The memory of the Disturbed concert still haunts me*. It was the summer of love and happiness, and with Anna I didn't need anyone else. Life was good.Or life was supposed to be good. There was one aspect that stuck out like a sore thumb, always putting me in a bad mood, always aggravating me, always ruining my day/week/weekend. Eckerd Drugs. That damn drug store. Now, I've worked there a good two years. But when I went to school, things changed. Management changed. Pharmacy changed. My boss and great friend, Steve, left for another store. People quit or were fired. It was like the great people left, and the less than awesome people stayed. Not all, mind you. There are some pretty decent people there. But it doesn't matter. I felt like I was used and abused. Im talking lies and flip flops. And a problem so incredibly HUGE *On the level of harassment huge* that it should have resulted in at least two firings. Instead, I get the line, "Stop trying to get everyone fired, Shaun!" WHAT?! It was just a train wreck, not the Eckerd I had left a year prior. It's a job, yes, and it's money, yes, but it's just not worth the stress and everything else. I'll look into being a bank teller next summer. THAT can't be that bad. Random thoughts on current events while writing this entryGod damn PS2 won't play the friggin Simpsons DVD well......friggin weirdos next door, making the weird banging on the wall, God only knows....Tangeman talking to me? The hell...?Big Changes Come SeptemberSo no one looks forward to school starting again and their summer ending *Well, maybe a few whack-jobs around here, but its justifiable with the relationships they have, blah blah* But I dreaded it even more than usual. See, there was a big change comin down the pipe. Anna was going to school early. And she was also going to be a CA. I was never fully for this, but it's what she wanted or needed to be happy or whatever, and it 'wouldn't change a thing' so what the hell. Except it did change something. Kinda big. Us. Her and myself. See, certain things happened that first week *first two?* that REALLY put a kink into things. We fought a lot in September. But we were working through it. Then something very big, very bad *And in hindsight, perhaps mutually stupid* happened two weeks ago that put an unfixable *As of now, anyway* kink in our relationship. As such, as of last weekend *On my birthday, actually. Go figure huh?* we 'took a break' which as people will inevitably say, is a break up. And, yes, it is. And I did it because I feel I've no other choice. It is NOT because I don't care about her, or love her, or want to be with her. It is because of so many other things, it is because I see no other way out. It sucks, royally. One of the worst feelings I've had. I don't know where it'll go or what will happen, with her or anyone else. Guess I'm just in for a ride on this one. What else after that. School itself is okay. Death and Dying, a 300 level class that I was talked into taking, is neither easy NOR is the teacher hot *NOT Fair* Film Music, which on paper was supposed to be the best and most interesting class I have, sucks. Royally. American Govt is okay, mostly thanks to Dan, Rob, and Chris. Scriptwriting isnt terrible, and neither is Photo. The BIG change this year is the job I took with Resnet. At the time I thought I needed money for a cruise in January, but that is not happening. So now I'll have this money coming in, and it'll go into savings, just in case an emergancy comes up. The job itself isn't too challenging, and I've met some nice people, but the hours suck when combined with class time, and the boss is an ASSHOLE. *Ahem* Yes, he sucks. Big time. But money is money. I have a hunch I'll rant about him in the future. Things are much better now, roommate and friend wise, then they were last year. I've got the core group and I've got the new guys like Ghazi, Jerry *HA!* Ryan and the lovely freshmen ladies I've recently met *Michele, 1 L, not Hell Haha!* Unfortunately, I wish I could say the same on the family front. My dad has recently gotten some very bad news in succession. His condition needs to be taken care of this Friday. It's pretty intense and a lot of bad could come of it, in terms of family, finances, et all. Out of respect for what I'm sure he'd want to be private, I won't say anything else about it or give any details. If you believe in prayer or any of that jazz, keeping him in yours for me would be much appreciated. I'll leave it here for now, though there is much more to talk about. Like, Templar Knight. Where the hell did I get THAT name? Well, it's quite a rich, detailed history, involving the Church, the Romans, Christ, et all. Just remember one thing: History is written by the winners, and who has won more then the Church the last 2000 years? Think about it. That'll do it. Oh, and one more thing. I admit it when I make mistakes in my life. Last year, I befriended, liked, defended and respected someone who once went to Ramapo. This was a mistake. I'd also like to say something else. Long coats keep us warm in the winter. I had planned on having mine since about September. I know people who have them too. It's personal preferance, and has nothing to with you. If anything, you sped up the process, but not even that is overly logical. So shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down, you walking hypocritical ego trip.


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