Monday, May 22, 2006

Holy Shit I haven't written in Forever

I mean, really. When was the last time I wrote in this damn thing?? OCTOBER 7th1??!?!?! What the hell have i been doing for so long that I haven't blogged1?!?!? Oh, right. Having the craziest year of my life. I suppose a recap is in order. I honestly don't know where to begin so I'm kinda just gonna free write and let it flow to wherever, without so much a specific intent here.

- I joined the esteemed ranks of the Sigma Upsilon chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon. Yup, you're looking at not only a TKE, but a frat boy as well. Anyone who's known me for the length of my collegiate career (Is there anyone left that reads this, actually?) knows this is a complete 180 from anywhere I had previously stood in terms of attitudes towards frats. Specifically, I thought they were a joke. And yet, when I found my life turned upside down last semester, I decided to re-evaluate my thoughts on a lot of things. When Jeff decided to go to an interest meeting one night, I was right there behind him. And now today I'm a Zeta. Heh. It's amazing. Looking back on it, I had no idea what the hell was going on around me. I was so oblivious and naive to the whole thing. And when things happened I just rolled with it. Is it the best thing that happened to me? It's one of them. Is it perfect? Hell no, but what is? What it is is the landmark in my life of the turning point and the shaping of what I have become, or more accurately what I'm becoming. And I definitely have made some of the best friends through it, people I'd have never known otherwise. Funny how it works out.

- Speaking of best friends, I also met the boys of Redwood B, right across the hall from my former apartment. Anton. Doug. Lustin. I really don't know how to describe it without coming off corny or gay or whatever, but the friendship formed quickly. Equal love of games, television, Nintendo, whatever, really helped it along. Even though there were speed bumps, like Doug's dislike when we first met, or silly girls causing stupid fights, or me being a drunken idiot or, whatever, we've kind of just grown that much closer. All my life I've always thought I had found a core group of friends to rely on and count on, only to be betrayed in some way, or just kind of drifted from as only people can in life. And though there's a year left of college and who knows what after that, I really think I've found some of the best people I've ever met. I know I said basically the same thing about TKE, but it's different with these guys. TKE is awesome in a lot of ways, but it's much more personal, much closer with these gents. I know I'm not really describing it well, but, well, yeah. We're heading to the Outer Banks in a week or so, and, well, it's gonna be great. Huh, I'm usually much better with words....

-Academically, this year was a big disappointment. I got destroyed in Art class, as expected (C+) and Audio class was shockingly hard (C+ - but the professor never liked my work so, as cliche as it sounds, that's my excuse there). And that was the fall. GPA fell to around 3.56, which is fine enough, but the communications GPA dropped to around a 3.3, short of what is needed for the Comm honors society, which sucked. This semester's grades have come in, and it reads: A, A, A-, B+, and C-. Jazz killed me, business should have ended me but surprised me with a B+, and the rest is to be expected. I'm maintaining a 3.5, but I'm still a 3.4 in comm *and as such short for the society* and again no Deans List letter. Sorry Dad.....

And that's it. This is where I'm ending it. I don't know what else I'd thought about contributing to this entry, but I've had other thoughts as well but couldn't put pen to paper because I feel this one return entry is a mental block. I don't know how to come back right, or if anyone will even care I'm back, and so really, does it matter? Point is I'm back, this is getting posted, and I'll be into the regular blog mode swing of things soon enough. Or this will die out for another year until it gets re-done again. Either way, we'll see.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Just a test for videos