Wednesday, September 20, 2006

A 38 Year Long Conspiracy?

It's been a long time since a legit post was made on here, and I apologize for that. It's been a crazy past couple of weeks. I'll do my best to have a longer, in depth update up soon.

In the meantime, I came across this and pretty much stopped cold when I read it. Improbable? Yeah, a little bit. Impossible? Not entirely. In today's crazy world, where things people wouldn't have scoffed at, let alone believed possible years ago are happening, is such an idea that far out of the realm of possibilty?

Check this out, and prepare to be creeped out:

From the a new book "Presidential Doodles," a compendium of the drawings and doodles of presidents, comes this description of a very unsettling sketch by President Kennedy:

"President Kennedy, known for separating his life into compartments, would enclose words and numbers inside circles and boxes. Events long after his death give one doodle an unintended chill: A small circle with the numbers "9-11" contained within. Just to the lower left on the page, the word 'conspiracy' is underlined."

JFK: Did he have a premonition about 911?

This editor has long maintained that the United States is different from other countries when it comes to coups d'etat. The fascist coup here took decades to reach culmination. It began on November 22, 1963 in Dallas and reached its fulfillment on September 11, 2001.


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