Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The UN Isn't the Only Target

How utterly depressing. It's one thing to think about the world organization being ignored by the vital players in globalization, military and, most importantly, the Security Council. It's another to realize the UN is actually a target of a campaign to weaken its global influence (But makes so much sense, really). And now, according to an informational source I'm very quickly becoming a big fan of, Wayne Madsen, it's getting just as bad for the United CommonWealth in Britain. Take a brief gander below:

America's unconfirmed ambassador to the UN, John Bolton, his staff, working together with Israeli ambassador Dan Gillerman and his staff, have instituted a climate of fear among UN staff, diplomatic missions, and media. WMR has now learned that a similar situation exists at the Commonwealth headquarters in London. The motive of British neo-cons is to weaken the Commonwealth of Nations, the last vestige of the British Empire, thus depriving the British monarchy of a major raison d'etre and dealing another blow to Prince Charles, a bitter foe of Tony Blair and his neo-con "New Labor" policies.

The Commonwealth Secretary General, Don McKinnon of New Zealand, a London-born New Zealander and member of the right-wing National Party under which he served as Defense Minister and Foreign Minister, was singled out for criticism in a May 31 report by a Commonwealth Investigative Panel headed up by Glenda Morean Philip, Trinidad and Tobago's High Commissioner to the UK. The report stated that there is a "climate of fear in the Commonwealth Secretariat" and that people will not speak out because of a "fear of retribution." The language used in the Commonwealth report is similar to the words spoken on strict background by employees of the United Nations, U.S. Defense Department, Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, State Department, and other international organizations and government departments.

It's a bit deeper and more obscure than most of the posts I've been making, but it ties in to a much bigger problem, albeit in theory right now: Prominant and influential organizations are slowly being discredited and either taken over or destroyed by parties seeking to set up a global stage of control. Hard to believe now, but remember stories like these, because I've got this instinctual hunch they're gonna start building up quickly sooner than later.


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