Thursday, July 27, 2006

Why Respect the UN? The President and Israel Sure Don't

All wars eventually come to an end. In retrospect, history looks back on such events and, depending on the influence of the winner, casts a critical eye over the situation. In retrospect, things may not have totally gone down exactly as we've been taught in the past (Like FDR allowing the Japanese to hit Pearl Harbor - oh yes, it's true) as the victors write the books. But I cannot help thinking that is going to change in the future. Thanks predominately to the internet, people have the choice of up close, up to the minute news from every possible angle. Like television brought people to Vietnam and later Iraq, the internet, with its blogs, streaming video and world wide inner connections (minus India). When the dust settles on this Israel/Lebanon conflict, and if it ever settles, will anyone be able to convince the world that Israel was justified and that those big bad terrorists in Lebanon had it coming? Maybe the usual sheeple, but really, anyone with half an eye open has the ability to see through the smoke screen and bullshit and look at reality and how it's really forming up.

Perhaps the biggest news that no one is really doing anything about is the bombing of the UN outpost by Israel, killing four UN workers. Here's one of the first stories posted about it. Fair enough, everyone makes mistakes and accidents happen in warzones, says Israel, and man, the UN was pretty freaked out by the apparently deliberate attack, which of course pissed off Israel. But wait, as reports began to come out, frightening news began circulating. First, the idea that the UN had witnessed first hand the attocities Israel was committing, and Israel would have no part of that. (Story here, about 10 articles down as of now). It is confirmed the UN was placed there predominately to watch the situation develop. Then the BBC reported that UN officials contacted Israel TEN TIMES, informing them of their position and each time informed by Israel that firing would stop. But hey, you might say, such requests go through a military liason, and well, sometimes those reports never make it back to the home base. Hell, Israel must believe that, as they demanded an apology from Koffi. Here's a quick time line, from CNN, just to show the pace as things officially went down:

  • - The first bomb exploded about 200 yards from the U.N. outpost at 1:20 p.m. Tuesday. The UN quickly called their designated contact with the Israeli military. They were assured by the Israeli liaison that the attacks would stop.
  • - A series of about nine more bombs hit within 100 to 400 yards from the observers over the next several hours. As each bomb fell, it was immediately followed up with a call to the Israeli military. The same response was given each time.
  • - The U.N. base at Noqoura lost contact with the outpost at 7:40 p.m., apparently the time of the direct hit. It was later confirmed that four UN peacekeepers - representing Austria, Finland, Canada and China - were all killed in the attack.
Now I'd like to point out any argument in defense of Israel completely fails because of the weapons used. The outpost was apparently hit by a laser guided missle. For those of you unaware, for a weapon of such precision to hit its target, the area must be 'painted' by a laser so that the bomb homes in on a target. Basically, Israel pointed a laser at the outpost - CLEARLY marked in blue and white, while flying the UN flag - and guided an accurate, deadly weapon to explode upon it.

For those of you who just cannot fathom why such a 'poor, innocent, only defending itself country like Israel would do such a thing, consider for a moment the growing reports they're using very deadly and VERY illegal weapons, and committing war crimes. Be warned when you watch this clip, as it's graphic and depicts proof of what everyone is claiming. Among other reasons, there is strong speculation the UN could have or did witness something very illegal on the border, and they were taken out. (And for more proof, check this out. I have no words...)

And the response you say? Well, obvious Koffi and the UN condemned Israel. As did China, and they were mighty pissed at the loss of one of their people and the bullshit air strike:

China's state-run news agency -- Xinhau -- said Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Zhai Jun called in Israeli Ambassador Yehoyada Haim Wednesday morning to discuss the attack.
"China strongly condemns the activity to raid the UN peacekeeping post and urge Israel to carry out thorough investigation and apologize to China and the victim's families and coordinate with China to deal with the aftermath," Xinhau quoted Zhao as telling the Israeli ambassador.

I appluad China for having a pair and calling it like it really is. Let's list who else called Israel out: The Irish, Lebanon (obviously) and apparently more, while representatives from Europe, the Middle East and America met at an emergency meeting in Rome to try and solve the crisis. Many called for a cease fire, except two countries: The US and Britain. Yup, the same two countries who have not made a peep about the UN being under attack, and have backed Israel more than 100% on all of this. In fact, there will be no call for peace until stability is reached in Lebanon. Nevermind both sides - Lebanon needs to get it's act together, and if not, well, more people are going to die and there's nothing we're going to do about it.

I fear for the future of the UN. I don't think it's impossible for it to succeed or do a great job in the world, but the fact is, whatever power they have or want people to have is quickly fading. This is supposed to be a world force, intented to keep peace and strive for order. Yet they are often ignored, especially the last four years, and constantly undermined if the US (and Britain) have a different agenda (Hello Iraq!). Now, they come under obvious and intentional attack (and if you still agree it was an accident, I've got no patience left for you, this post anyway) and still they cannot/do not do anything about it. It's cliche to say history repeats itself, but it's also really true. I don't want to make a direct comparison as of yet, but I'd like to point out the League of Nations, because I can't shake it from my mind this week. The precussor to the UN, the League was formed after WWI to keep the peace and ensure violence and terror never broke out on a world scale again. The organization failed because they were ignored by key players and tyrants hell bent on keeping their own agenda (basically). The UN was formed to take their place and fix those mistakes, but as this week in the Mid-East shows, or hell, any number of large events the past four to eight years, one cannot help but begin to worry and question the credibility, and future, of the organization. Or maybe I've got it all wrong and I'm just overly concerned about nothing.

PS: Seriously, stop saying this wasn't Israel's fault and they're just defending themselves. They are NOT victims here, they are NOT within their means to defend themselves, and they are NOT within the bounds of international law. They started this mess and they're taking full advantage of it. Come to terms already, or shut up. Because you just look like a tool for the mass media and Bushites otherwise.


At 2:16 PM, Blogger Anton said...

So, all this stuff is happening. You say Israel is f-ing up the Middle East. Where does that put the US?


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