Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Various Shite

- We've begun a game called assassin at Ramapo this summer. The basic premise for round one was 20ish people got together, pulled names out of a hat, and had to kill whoever they pulled. Killing can be done by Nerf or Water gun, by poisoning someone's drink *IE, placing a piece of tape on the bottom of a cup or bottle that say's "UR DEAD"* or by bombing their laptop or cell phone *Piece of paper, slipped into the appliance, BOOM* and so on. A ton of killings happened the first night, none of which I wish to discuss here (You can check them out at the Assassin Blog) and lessons learned from this first round will be applied to round 2, kicking off Wednesday. Dan and I are kinda sorta running the game together, and it's pretty fun, so long as I can maintain his attention to it ^_^ - and let no one doubt for a second, round two will be mine, or, if we have teams, mine and the ODSTs (Orbital Drop Shock Troopers)

- Italy wins the world cup. Huzzah for them. Like I said on a message board elsewhere, analysts are saying that they were outplayed by France and shouldn't have won. Plus they booted the MVP after they talk shit to him and he headbutts one of the I-its in the chest. Hey, I don't know much about soccer, and I won't cheapen the win (any more) but what DOES irk me is all of these people coming out of the wood work as sudden soccer fans/proud Italians. "Woo, we rock/an excuse to party for four years/FORZA ITALIA" - give me a break. As a fan of a particular team, sure, but when something like this suddenly sparks pride in people, pride they should have had all along, it's kinda shitty. I mean, in a month all of these people are going right back to their normal lives. Look, being Italian in America didn't matter more than being Irish/Jewish/whatever a month ago, and it's not going to matter a month from now. I don't know where I was going with this originally, but, uh.....I'mIrish. Fuck yeah!

- Being a wrestling fan is finally fun again. The 'sport', which skyrocketted in popularity in the late 90's/early 2000s and then came back down to reality again, isn't something you can usually go around bragging about. And yet, for the first time in my life, I've got a reliable *sort of* group of people I can talk to about it, and people who come over on Monday nights to watch it with me. Granted, the product is just a horrible shadow of the former greatness it was, but that doesn't matter to me. I've always found the good in the show and I probably always will. I love it; its one of like, three things I've ever been consistently passionate and interested in for most of my life (Gaming and movies being two others - maybe writing) and I really look forward to at least one of the three shows every week. When we go to the super show at the end of the month, it's going to be a hell of a night.

- Finally, on a bit more personal update note, I've discovered some key aspects of my personality that I was not fully aware of. You see, I went into 'retirement' as I jokingly say, this summer from women and beer. Beer as a dietary thing, women for a self-retrospective thing. And that was all fine and good, as I wanted to focus on myself, along with figuring myself out. I thought I was past a large part of my Anna situation and had a clean slate going forward. Well, I don't. Someone came along and put a big kabosh on that plan. No details, because they're scary, annoying, anger inducing and saddening all at the same time. Needless to say, I am no where near the healed, move forward emotional level I thought I was, and, though I am a relationship person by nature (And a frat boy - I know) I am not at the point where I can devote myself to any new, meaningful relationship right now. Or in the immeditate future. Wounds that should have healed long ago are actually still very open, so that process is still ongoing. May have hurt someone in the process, but I try to be on the level, and I was very mature, honest and everything about it. And that's all I can do - like I said, I'd rather say something now then get involved with someone and hurt em/end things in 2 weeks or 2 months anyway.

Lots of lessons learned this summer, and some serious memories and experiences gained so far with all kinds of new friends. But, it's 5:04, work is over, and the gym is calling. So I'm out for now.....and hey, I'm on the update level of Anton right now, which is just awsm, yo!


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