Monday, July 17, 2006

Israel = Bad

Let it be known from here on out that I am not anti-anything. Sure, it's fun to joke about people, but at the end of the day, I've got no real beef with whites, blacks, Jews, Muslims, whatever. So now then, when I sit here and tell you that not only do I think Israel is bad but is, in fact, full of some of the worst people to ever grace this planet, well then, try your hardest not to color me an Anti-Semite.

Because, kids, Israel is bad news.

It's hard enough to talk to most people my age about the news. Most just don't care or aren't interested unless it directly, and instantly, effects them. It's a bit easier to discuss conspiracy theories, like those surrounding JFK, Martin Luthor King or, more recently and far more pressing, 9/11. But even those discussions quickly fizzle out if they go anywhere at all, partly for the reason stated above, but mostly because the new generations just don't care. The possibility of the government orchestrating a plot to kill thousands of Americans and launch into a false flag operation? Meh. 1500+ soliders dead in Iraq qithout a legitamate reason to even be fighting? *Shrug* Gasoline prices incredibly high, with no end to the increase in sight? Hmph. An increase in New Jersey sales tax by a business man ill-suited to be governor in an incredibly corrupt state? *Yawn* Nothing gets done because no one cares enough to do anything about it. And yet this does not make me any less angry or irritated that Israel gets away with murder in the Middle East and few even blink in their direction.

Cold. Blooded. Murder.

I won't bore you with the conspiracy theories about Zionists being in all the major governments, or Israel really being the force that runs the US behind the scenes. But I will say that they have begun waging war on two fronts, on two different peoples, without any real justification. Sure, the 'official' story wants people to believe Israel is responding to Lebanon crossing their border and killing and capturing soldiers. Right. Let's ignore everything else and just look at the timing here. Israel, currently bombing the SHIT out of Palestine, and with rumors of new (and illegal) weapons being used to utterly destroy people (apparently also in Lebanon), along with Israel invading and capturing Palestinian leadership (again, without proovable cause), seems like an odd time to start pissing Israel off. And this response by Israel is massive and, some say, unprecedented in its quickness and fury. Lebanon has been fighting back, of course, but this battle seems a bit more than one sided. So without cause, without reason (officially), Israel goes in and begins taking land and killing people, innocent women and children as much if not more than soldiers.

And not only does the world say nothing, but our country, thanks to our president, offers full support to Israel. Hell, we even stop the United Nations from ordering a cease-fire in this conflict. Wha?!!? Oh yes, rather than saying, "Both of you, knock it off and stop the killing. It's time to talk." we instead get, "Well, deal. Israel has the right to blow you off the planet. Shouldn't have capturered their soldiers. Proof? What proof - they said it happened like that, so it did'"

Israel has a past. It's dark. It's dangerous. And it's full of blood. A blog post over at Daily Kos has put together an extensive list of some of the bullshit Israel has pulled, and some of the atrocities it has committed. You can find that here.

And the future? Who knows. Gas prices will probably go up, if not sky rocket. And already people are twisting this into somehow being the fault of Syria and Iran. Does Iran being name dropped make your ears go up? It should; and it should bring back memories of the bullshit shit storm we all got sucked into when we were built up to war with Iraq. Make no mistake; as much reason as Lebanon would have to not just randomly capture troops, Iran would have absolutely ZERO brains to be remotely involved in this. People in power are just waiting for an excuse to march in and destablize Iran with military attacks. Iran is in the news every other day. They're fighting their own battle just to be recognized and to do their own thing with energy and the like. But, according to these guys, Iran is probably more than involved. But Iran is a story for another day.

The bloodshed is going to continue, and could get much worse if Israel makes the mistake of attacking Syria, let alone anyone else. But do they care? Probably not. Because they know any major offensive against them and guess who's going to come running into save the day. Does it matter to them that 25,000 Americans live in Lebanon at any given time? Are they concerned that 8 Canadian's have already been killed in their intensive bombing campaign?

No, they don't. Because, look at it like this, if they're gonna deliberately shoot at these guys, then what's to stop them from shooting at anyone else? ANYONE else.....


At 12:15 AM, Blogger Uncle Lusty said...

I appreciate different point of views. And I shall give you a respectful rebuttal. Peaceful discourse shall bare fruit. Jolly good day.


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