Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Random Thoughts

So, all this stuff is happening. You say Israel is f-ing up the Middle East. Where does that put the US? - Anton

It's such a hard question to ask, because no one really wants to believe the worst case scenario. Hard enough to get people to talk about/admit Iraq was a set up and a terrible job from the beginning, but get anyone started on the fact the US is predominately pushing Israel into further aggression against Lebanon and eventually Syria and Iran, and they give you a raised eyebrow and shake their head at you. Tell them that Bush-Cheny supported oil cartels quite probably run this country and they just laugh and call you insane. But that's how it is. And that's what's going on. I mean, there are conflicting reports about peak oil, when oil will run out, etc, but the fact is, The Powers That Be make their living and keep their control predominately through oil. And oil is running out. Whether it be in five years or fifty, it's happening. And as resources get lower, demand goes higher, and the very ability to live and function in society comes into play. Few people take the time to think about how much oil is really used for. Prices are on the rise now, and there isn't even a real issue with it yet. People are beginning to struggle, and demand is continuing to rise (China's economy would be growing even faster if oil was more available in sections of the country). And yet, as the working man suffers, companies like Exxon see profits so high the mind cannot wrap around them. But back on point, when oil finally does peak, those who have it and can control its distribution can realistically control the world. (An interesting note on the Alaskan oil pipeline situation, FYI). And as such, not only were Arabs and the Mid-East used as scapegoats in 9/11, but now they will continue to be attacked and conflicted with as time goes on and as Bush and Co look for the next available area to begin taking over. Will it be our sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, hell, you and me fighting in the next illegal war? And will the world sit back this time and just shout angry protests without doing anything? Time will tell, but that time is coming quick.....

- In un-related (so to speak) news, seems even Mexcio is getting it right on the most basic level, voter fraud and consequences of it:

In a scene which was reminiscent of the US Supreme Court's rejection of a Florida vote count in the 2000 presidential election, Mexico's Federal Election Tribunal rejected a request by the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) and its presidential candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador for a full vote recount in the recent election that was plagued by fraud committed by the neo-con National Action Party administration and supported by the Bush regime. The tribunal merely voted to authorize a partial vote recount of 12,000 of 130,000 polling stations -- 9 percent of the polling places. Lopez Obrador walked out of the tribunal session in protest over the decision.

Millions of Lopez Obrador and PRD supporters, including many of Mexico's poorest citizens, closed down Mexico City's city center last Sunday. The Mexico City mayor and the municipal administration are members of the PRD and Mexico City police have resisted calls by PAN President Vicente Fox to clear out the protestors. Protest camps have been set up on Zocalo Square and Paseo de la Reforma in the heart of the city. WMR has received information from Mexico that the country is on the verge of a popular revolution in support of Lopez Obrador.

But wait, turns out I might not be able to cheer them just yet....

The events in Mexico have triggered into action the covert teams of CIA agents working from bases in southern Texas that were poised to create civil unrest among the Mexican right-wing in the event that Lopez Obrador won the presidential election outright. Without even waiting for the contested election to be certified, neo-con PAN candidate Felipe Calderon received congratulations from his two NAFTA/North American Union allies, George W. Bush and Canadian Tory Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Already, pro-PAN agitators, paid by the Mexican federal government and CIA elements, have targeted PRD supporters in acts of violence in cities like Monterrey, Sinaloa, and Tijuana

The Mid-East isn't the only place the US tries to exert unlawful influence.

- If you do a bit of searching around the net, you'll realize that survivors of Hurricane Katrina were rounded up and placed inside "FEMA Camps". These people are not allowed to talk to the press and the press is not allowed audio or video footage of the areas. Reports flooded the net at one time that these were the beginnings of detention or, and I hesitate to say it, 'concentration camps' that were going to be quietly built inside the United States. "Bollocks!" You holler at me through your internet, "how would that happen here and no one know?!" As always, the simplest answer may be the best one: the idea of a free, people influenced mass media is dead. Long dead. In its place is a corporation controled, government influenced system that tells us what we're supposed to know or do, and when to know or do it. "But but!", you retort, "why would they do that in New Orelans?" This is a tougher question, but it could be because those who DID survive can tell horrible tales of disaster and death, and the fact that their government really did not try to help them (I'll let alone the theory that NO was allowed to happen for now, as I don't have enough to back that up) and as such, FEMA is keeping them quiet and under wraps. "Fine, but why would camps be built or tested here?" you ask with a sigh. Well, I don't really have an answer for it, but the theories are not good. I could give you the official line, which is, well, I don't even know how to summarize it. And you know a link is coming, and here you go. It's not like I'm making it up - camps ARE being built. (Please note Halliburton getting the contracts). It's terrifying to think of, but is it so hard to believe that, sooner or later, this government is going to try and force martial law upon us all?

- As if I needed official help in my claims today, Newt Gingrich himself went on record about the state of Conneticut, but really, the state of America and her future:

This morning on Fox News, Newt Gingrich claimed there is a "legitimate insurgency in Connecticut, which needs to be met head on," made up of people who say Iraq "is so hard, it is so frightening, it's so painful, can't we come home and hide?" Gingrich said that if the "insurgency" wins, "it will be the beginning of extraordinarily important period in American politics, and in American history."

American people - insurgents? Aren't insurgents those 'bad guys' in Iraq killing our troops? Or those damn Afghans, who are probably still hiding the 'Taliban'? We're nearing a cross roads, I fear, and I think far too many people are complacent about this world and the terrible things going on in it. We could, realistically, wake up one morning next to a slaughter house, like sheep who dozed off for far too long. And I wonder if, one day, the fact that I am anti-Israel or anti-Bush, or the fact I think
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is 100% right with removing his ambassador from Israel, if I'll be labeled a terrorirst and left to be dealt with by the Secret Police/Death Dealers/whoever comes for me.

But of course, I'm a college student. Just some kid. And this is worlds away, so why should I care, right?


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