Thursday, August 10, 2006

Holy Crap: Is This Real?

Yes, it is.

Sometimes, there's just so much going on that it's possible for me to sort it all out and wrap my head around it all. Sometimes, it's so depressing that I wonder if the future is worth a damn to me or anyone else, since it's becoming clearer by the day the road we're all going (being dragged) down. Sometimes those two things combine on a cloudy day and make it 'one of those days'.

Today's one of them.

- I can't start from bad to not as bad, or even really sort a lot of stuff out. My mind is literally all over the place, looking at all kinds of things. Like the fact everyone is so excited Liberman was defeated in the Congressional primary. Yay Democrats, right? Wrong. Turns out while everyone is getting high on that smoke screen, the future of our free elections takes another (and close to final?) hit. Electronic voting was touted as the way of the future, and with our corrupt media and government, and sheeple of a population, no one paid attention when people cried out vote fraud in Ohio in the 2004 presidential election (Not even mentioning 2000 being outright stolen). It's happening again, and it's looking like they're getting the process pretty refined.

Yet a far more telling event occurred that should remove all blinders, remove any doubt that nothing in this country has changed: Cynthia McKinney was removed from Congress, in a run-off against a total unknown named Hank Johnson. McKinney was removed, courtesy of Diebold electronic voting machines. These machines have now erased her votes in two “elections.” McKinney’s push out of Washington is a disaster for American democracy. With the exception of a tiny single-digit number, there are now officially no Washington politicians worth a damn. And these few will surely be gotten rid of, if they are not already blackmailed or bought off.

The machines, courtesy of Diebold, ESS, Sequoia, and SAIC, four fronts of the Bush/Republican apparatus, own the vote. Period. The New World Order is unified on this, too: there may be a “selection” in November, but there will not be an “election.” It is literally insane to believe otherwise.

One of the proudest aspects of our Democracy, being stolen right out from underneath us, and no one seems to give a damn.

- Don't think, for one damn second, that I believe any of this bullshit about people bombing planes with bottles of Gatorade and iPods. Oh, and the terror alert level has been raised too. Since the system was invented, the terror alerts have been raised and lowered, but no terror has really come. Fact is, there's little doubt in my mind, or the minds of anyone paying attention, that the system is nothing more than a farce, generated to scare people and keep em in line. Time magazine ran an article that even came out and said as such. And really, since September 11th, where have these big bad terrorists been? It's a question I ask everyone, all the time. And it's always the same answer: "It takes time. And planning. It can't just happen. We're probably stopping a lot" and on, and on, and on. Give me a break. Here's the skinny on what's really going on:

We've already seen Walmart and McDonald's talking about sustainability; now it's the U.S. National Security Agency.

Sustainability of what? Fascism, that's what.

Isn't it interesting that a few undefended copper cables are so critical to the operation of the NSA? What does this tell you about "the terrorists"?

We always hear about how smart, how cunning, "the terrorists" are. After all, according to legend, "the terrorists" are so smart and so cunning that they hijacked aircraft and flew them into buildings, and all the rest of that bullsh*t...

Yet, for some reason, "the terrorists" don't seem interested in attacking the undefended support infrastructure of the U.S. National Security Agency?! "The terrorists" are, likewise, uninterested in taking out the undefended data infrastructures that undergird U.S. mega corporations.

If "the terrorists" hate the U.S. so much, why haven't they attacked the undefended electrical and data infrastructures that animate the Great Satan? Why do "the terrorists" only carry out symbolic pinprick attacks that are MUCH more difficult to execute than strategic, decapitation strikes? Why not deliver a blow to the U.S. that would actually take it down?
A better question is: Who benefits from the Hollywood blockbuster-style fireballs and fetishisation of victims that TV-camera terrorism facilitates? "The terrorists" are manufactured by the corporate state in order to deliver increasing amounts of power to the psychopaths at the top of the pyramid. Sustainable fascism requires a constant application of psychological terror in order to frighten the populace into a numb state of acquiescence and helplessness. This is accomplished, quite simply, by running eye catching fodder in an endless loop on the PSYOP payload delivery boxes that most people voluntarily watch for several hours per day. This PSYOP payload forms the basis of reality for the victims/consumers of mass media. The elite get an easy to manage prison camp as a result.

You can find the rest of the article here. What's this have to do with today's little incident? Give me time, you know I'm gonna deliver:

Given the collapse of the latest Israeli offensive into Lebanon, this new publicity ploy threatens to take the world into general war -- if the US-UK-Israeli aggressor bloc is able to pin this latest chimera on Hezbollah, Syria, or Iran.

It was only a minor flaw in these broadcasts, mercilessly played up on such channels as Fox News and Sky TV -- the equivalents of the yellow journalism of the notorious News of the World -- that there was not one shred of evidence to support these demagogic and inflammatory charges.

Listeners were reminded that the British plus assorted NATO puppets were being defeated in Afghanistan, the US were being defeated in Iraq, and the Israelis were being defeated in Lebanon. The NATO puppets of the "Orange Revolution" were a thing of the past in Kiev, while the leading CIA agents were being rounded up in Rome. The dollar was in its death agony, and even the neocon hack Lieberman was all washed up in Connecticut. Tony Blair was about to join Ramsay MacDonald in the inferno reserved for Labour Party traitors who were also prime ministers. All the while, the controllers of Dick Cheney and the neocons were clamoring for a headlong rush into World War III, considered to be the remedy for all their ills.

Was it any wonder that British intelligence chose to launch yet another threadbare and absurd terror provocation on a morning in the middle of August?

It's a smoke screen people. Pure and simple, and ridiculously insulting to anyone who's been following the real news for more than a week. The only thing you should be interested in is who gets the fake blame placed on them - Lebanon, Syria, Iran, or someone else?

- I should point out Israel has a rich history of commiting terror jobs and blaming them on someone else. One, two, three, and holy friggin Google search Batman. I feel like I could write a thesis on Mossad and 9/11 alone....

- Fox News, the bastion of intelligent, comprehensive news reporting. Also, very sensative to touchy, world issues, including death. No wonder their ratings continue to be high: They're idiots and they've got idiots watching them.

- Finally, keep your eye on this, because the future can be a lot darker, in a way I had never even heard of or imagined.

Close your eyes.

Now imagine a wondrous world where the organic grocery stores are stocked with brightly colored fruits and vegetables, but look closer. This isn't any ordinary produce. Those shiny red apples have come halfway around the world from an orchard in Iran where they were designed to withstand the 120 degree temperatures on the plains of the Persian Gulf. That broccoli was grown on the frozen shores of Uummannaarsuk, Greenland, inside the Arctic Circle. It contains the genes of a salmon and is a source of omega-3 oil.

In the meat case, dazzlingly perfect cuts of beef, poultry and pork, lie neatly wrapped in edible spray-on plastic packaging. All meat is 100 percent fat free and contains the genes of the soy bean. Spoil-proof, organic, yolk-free eggs, engineered with extra thick shells, come guaranteed against accidental breakage. They spent a month in a cargo container on their journey from a massive chicken factory in China. All dairy comes from plants. All meat, including fish, comes from factories.

Food animals are derived from genetically engineered clones to optimize their value to producers. Chickens are bred without beaks or feathers, fish without bones and pigs, without tails. Some foods are simply synthesized in a Petri dish. Everything there is to eat in this brave new world comes pasteurized, sterilized and irradiated. Most food comes from beyond America's shores and is completely inert. In that sense, it is no different from the package in which it is sold, but what of the people?

Sixty percent of the populace is obese, up from 30 percent at the turn of the 21st century. Diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, asthma and cancer are so commonplace that they are now regarded as a normal part of a teenager's journey to adulthood. Billions of dollars are raised each year to; "find a cure" for these afflictions, but the cures never come. Infertility is epidemic. Universal health insurance accounts for 50 percent of expenses for those who can afford it. Street corner pharmacies, a trillion dollar industry, now outnumber fast food restaurants.

The family farm is an endangered species on the verge of extinction. Few can afford to garden anymore. Most food crops have been patented, their seeds engineered to be sterile. Washington and big business control the food supply. Government surveillance of American citizens, warrantless search and seizures, fines and imprisonment are used to force compliance with the new food laws. Citizens of this new world order must obey, must comply or they will not eat. And what they do eat is killing them.

Now open your eyes. This nightmare isn't over. Thanks to the National Animal Identification System, it may have just begun. *Link*

Definitely going to get worse before it gets better....


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