Monday, December 06, 2004

Brief Update, and I post a convo: you judge it.

Brief Stuff

Hey-low everyone. Sorry the update has been soon long in coming. To say this has been one hell of a semester would be an under-statement. There's been some major and interesting situations on almost every front you can imagine: Family and friends, private and public life. Here's a gist of the major stuff of this semester. Some of this stuff I feel strongly enough about to warrant another post. Let's see (Not listed in any particular order):

1) My dad goes into, and out of, the hospital. A very trying experience.
2) Chris moves out, rooms with Rob. A lot behind this one, expect more in the future
3) Anna and I 'take a break.' Sometimes you just have to clear your head. We're back together now, but it'll take some time for old wounds to fully heal.
4) I battle some mystery virus - assumed to be mono, but later proved false. So, good and bad news - just what the hell is it that keeps knocking me on my ass.
5) I get a job with Inside Pulse!!! Talk about an early dream come true, and one of the few great things to come out of this year.
6) Finding out two of my 'close friends' aren't nearly what I thought they were. This ties in with number 2 a bit, and number 3. Sorry Anna, I should have listened to you.
7) Halo 2 was released on 11/9/04. My GPA or sleep patterns have not been the same since.
9) X-Box Live. See number 7

Thought of the weekend: You know, I love Christmas music. As of now, I'm listening to nothing but Christmas music until, well, Christmas. I've been introduced to awesome music by a band named the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. They RULE. They're just amazing. Combine them with Clay Aiken, Jessica Simpson, and all the other classics and it's a great music season. I love Christmas - December is my favorite month, hands down. (Sure, the workload now is brutal, but let's ignore that for a moment). It kind of makes me wish I had my faith in the Church. Or in Christ. Not that I doubt he existed, because I don't. Not that I don't follow his teachings, because I do, mostly. But there are too many questions. Why the killings throughout time? Why the political power (And subsequent slaughterings) during the Middle Ages? What of the Templar Knights? The Roman Emperor who supposedly CHOOSE to immortalize Christ in the 300s, in an effort to rid Rome of the Pagans and make it a unified country? What of the Pagan symbols in Catholic holidays and structures? What of the organizations of brilliant people who came together against the Church? I have no definite answers to any of those questions save two: Who writes history? The winners. Who has been in control the past 1300 years or so besides the Church? No one. Besides, look at their track record: Spanish Inquisition, silent consent of the slave trade, noninvolvement in the holocaust, homosexuality in the church, Bobby P-rot. I'm just saying, before people go LIVID over the fact I don't believe in the devine Christ or follow anything blindly on "Faith", they should ask themselves certain questions.

Everyone Loves an Instant Message Fight That Didn't Involve Them - Even YOU!

Okay, so, I have this conversation with my buddy Dan. We chat over some quality late night about our lives, his potential musical future, our girlfriends. We discuss our policy on drinking: I don't do it much, and he doesn't at all. I mention I didn't know his girlfriend drinks, and that she and some friends had gotten pretty tonked a week prior (According to one said friend). It really doesn't go further than that. So, bout 3 hours later, I get the following IM, and spend about 2 hours with this person. I've been called a lot of things (As you'll see in the convo) so, I'm presenting this conversation to the world, uncut, uncensored, instead of verbally telling anyone about it. This way, people can judge things on their own and no future 'accusations' can be made of me, un-warranted anyway. That and it was a damn fun conversation to have, too. I think I did well for myself, in terms of defense and over-all 'winning' the convo with awesome-ness (If one can win at such things). I have changed my screen name and the screen name of the girl, out of journal policy (Note: If you know me, you know Dan, if you know Dan you know Melissa. No need to change these names, and no last names are mentioned. End note). Everything else remains untouched. Enjoy, remember to comment, and I'll be back sooner than later.

- Norty

A New Era of Truth in the Templar Journal: Uncut IM Conversation
If you don't like the fire, don't talk about it openly. Anything is fair game in the era of Truth.

Bitter Lookin Over (12:17:43 AM): excuse me

Yours Truly (12:19:29 AM): ?
Yours Truly (12:20:38 AM): yes?

Bitter Lookin Over (12:20:42 AM): just wondering, was it necessary for you to say something to dan about the night my roommates and i were drinking? dan was aware that we were drinking and it was fine until someone talked to him and made it seem like it was something it wasn't, and it couldn't have been anyone but you. i'm very confused as to why you would to give dan a reason to doubt melissa. "guys in the room"...there were no guys. i'm just very confused, were you trying to start trouble?
Bitter Lookin Over (12:23:39 AM): you don't need to take the time to consult with dan, just answer me

Yours Truly (12:25:05 AM): You know, you've really caught me on a bad night to pull this, but, out of respect, I'll tell you the truth
Yours Truly (12:25:38 AM): First of all, any personal conversation I have with a close friend is confidential - out of respect for them and my personal principles - so I'm not going to tell you what I discussed with Dan
Yours Truly (12:25:47 AM): However, to clear whatever the hell this is up
Yours Truly (12:26:00 AM): I have no idea what guys in the room means
Yours Truly (12:26:12 AM): And I have better things to do than "Start trouble" with you, melissa, or anyone else
Yours Truly (12:26:39 AM): And I wasn't consulting Dan
Yours Truly (12:26:41 AM): So you need to chill
Yours Truly (12:30:22 AM): Will there be anything else, or have I sufficiently quelled any and all 'wonderings' you have this evening?

Bitter Lookin Over (12:32:14 AM): i'm not so sure you have a right to be giving me attitude right now, i didn't ask what you discussed with dan, i know what you discussed with dan, i asked for a reason. if you're not going to give me one, i'll just have to assume. yes, i'm done now.
Bitter Lookin Over (12:34:42 AM): no one else was talked to that night but you, dan got his info from somewhere, and i know it was you, so from now on i don't guess i'll be saying anything that you could possibly twist to start trouble, which would probably be anything
Bitter Lookin Over (12:34:44 AM): night

Yours Truly (12:38:12 AM): im sorry you think that way. i never said anything about boys in the room. i wish you wouldnt ASSume
Yours Truly (12:38:15 AM): *chuckle*
Yours Truly (12:38:17 AM): typical female
Yours Truly (12:38:30 AM): night

Bitter Lookin Over (12:45:57 AM): thats you answer to everything shaun, you're the "not so typical" male who understands everything about females, you put yourself on a pedestal and kiss your own ass and have ruined more friendships than you can probably count, all the while convincing yourself that its all of us that have the problem...but i think you know better

Yours Truly (12:56:06 AM): who are you to judge me? you sit there and you say I ruin friendships and here you are being the judgemental person, involving yourself in a situation that A) doesn't involve you, and B) You werent there for, youre going on heresay, and you have no facts to back up. I have never ruined a friendship. I haven taken troublemaking, drama creating, rumor mongering, evil people out of my life. I've done it in the past, I'll do it now, and I'll do it in the future. I've become exceptionally good at it, minus one or two mistakes.

Bitter Lookin Over (1:01:16 AM): oh you're such a martyr shaun. i had everything to do with the situation because i was the one who talked to you that night, and thought for some reason you were mature enough to not turn it into something that it wasn't (forgetting, i guess, how you've always been), and you talked to dan about it and all of a sudden my roommate, one of my best friends, is being hurt by it, all because you've never wanted dan and melissa together for reasons that have never been any of your business. you're right shaun, we're all evil, we're all out to get you, the tragic hero who is always treated unfairly and judged. i make drama? all i did was talk to you that night, you're the one who took it a step further for your own personal entertainment.

Yours Truly (1:27:52 AM): First of all, I'm not sure how much experience you have with me, personally, first hand, where you can come off saying I've ALWAYS turned situations into what they are not. First. Second, Dan, one of MY best friends, was going to talk to HIS girlfriend before I had any conversation with him about anything. I did not enlighten him with information he was not aware of. Check your facts. Third, I have NOTHING against Dan and Melissa being together - and I never have. That is mudslinging at its ugliest and is low even for you. The ONLY thing that gives me personal entertainment is bitter rants and unfounded attacks like this.
Yours Truly (1:27:56 AM): Goodnight

Bitter Lookin Over (1:29:33 AM): the only part of that very rehearsed paragraph that interests me is that "dan is one of MY best friends" part
back for round 2?

Yours Truly (1:31:21 AM): *Sigh* Just won't quit....OKAY then
Yours Truly (1:32:19 AM): My apologies for being pre-occupied with other things and not devoting my full attention to this argument, though I assure you my responses are no more rehearsed than yours

Bitter Lookin Over (1:32:35 AM): apology accepted

Yours Truly (1:32:47 AM): Right
Yours Truly (1:32:48 AM): Anyway
Yours Truly (1:32:50 AM): Whats your point

Bitter Lookin Over (1:32:59 AM): i guess just that youre an asshole
Bitter Lookin Over (1:33:00 AM): night

Yours Truly (1:34:25 AM): I'm an asshole night? I didn't know knights (Which I can only assume you meant, and thanks for the compliment) had ranks of assholes, but I was referring to your little comment about my mentioning of Dan

Bitter Lookin Over (1:35:12 AM): oh yes, i meant "knight"...sure
Bitter Lookin Over (1:36:07 AM): oh there was no "point", there was just me wondering why you capitalized "MY"

Yours Truly (1:36:54 AM): That you spark an argument like this with me and then only become interested in one line of my responses to your meaningless, bitter diatribe gives off loads about you, by the way. Something to think about

Yours Truly (1:37:01 AM): Haha no point? Even more so

Bitter Lookin Over (1:39:20 AM): yes, thats the part that stood out...after all, you did capitalize it, unless there was no reason for that. the rest of everything you say is just on and on about how i'm just another bitter angry bitch, (JAB if i remember right?)dramatic, typical female and you've no time for itBitter Lookin Over (1:40:00 AM): you've been saying the same thing about nearly every girl you've encountered since you set foot on this campus
Bitter Lookin Over (1:40:12 AM): i don't really need to keep hearing it

Yours Truly (1:41:54 AM): Every girl eh
Yours Truly (1:42:06 AM): Lets see

Bitter Lookin Over (1:42:25 AM): yeah, lay it out for me norton

Yours Truly (1:44:15 AM): I can't, because I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion. You and I talked maybe what, five times the spring semester? While I had a steady girlfriend? So unless you mean the handful of girls I was with before X-Mas 03, and I'm not sure how that is every girl I've encountered since I set foot on campus.

Bitter Lookin Over (1:44:49 AM): i didnt say anything about it being girls you were "with"...why would i say that? i cant really think of any

Yours Truly (1:46:08 AM): Your need to quote things is becoming redundant, everything I say is literal and should be taken as such. And, why don't you enlighten me as to who you ARE talking about then?

Bitter Lookin Over (1:47:00 AM): "every" "girl" "you've" "encountered" "since" "you" "set" "foot" "on" "this" "campus"
Bitter Lookin Over (1:47:29 AM): every girl who never liked you
Bitter Lookin Over (1:47:35 AM): every girl who ever did
Bitter Lookin Over (1:47:39 AM): every girl who ever bought into your shit
Bitter Lookin Over (1:47:44 AM): every girl who didn't

Yours Truly (1:48:24 AM): Hold that thought
Yours Truly (1:49:41 AM): Okay
Yours Truly (1:51:02 AM): Your whole argument is baseless - you're just throwing an attack at me that you cannot back up with any relevant facts - and I would have had to talk to you about every single girl to ever come in contact with me, which I surely have not, and therefore the only way one could know said information, were it to be true, would be if one was a stalker of some sort.

Bitter Lookin Over (1:53:55 AM): im not going to write you a fucking research paper, my point, which you already know and are trying to get around, is that you said shit to dan that wasnt true to start trouble, i need no facts to back up anything, everything that happened speaks for itself

Yours Truly (1:55:51 AM): I'm not trying to get around anything, if you paid attention I directly responded and negated every single thing you've said about me. You brought all the other stuff up. Not me.

Bitter Lookin Over (1:56:08 AM): this is not a goddamn formal debate

Yours Truly (1:56:44 AM): *Shrug* Argue however you like, if you're going to question me and then not believe or listen or even be 'interested' in my answers, I shall argue any way I like, too

Bitter Lookin Over (1:57:11 AM): my argument is baseless, i have no facts to back up what i say, you've responded to and negated everything i've said? well, um, good job, A+
Bitter Lookin Over (1:57:38 AM): oh do i get a grade now like all your other friends? i'm probably a D right

Yours Truly (1:57:44 AM): Listen, if you need me to dumb it down, I can bring it down a level and argue with slang and profanity and exclaimation points if you like

Bitter Lookin Over (1:57:52 AM): oh yes, please
Bitter Lookin Over (1:58:04 AM): i just can't follow your thesaurusBitter Lookin Over (1:58:18 AM): or your premeditated paragraphs

Yours Truly (1:58:19 AM): *Shrug* Not my problem
Yours Truly (1:58:23 AM): Don't start shit with me then
Yours Truly (1:58:29 AM): Nothing I say is any more premeditated than you

Bitter Lookin Over (1:58:37 AM): dont start shit with my friends
Yours Truly (1:58:44 AM): I didn't

Bitter Lookin Over (1:58:47 AM): right

Yours Truly (1:58:53 AM): Exactly!
Yours Truly (1:58:54 AM): Finally

Bitter Lookin Over (2:00:30 AM): i guess i'll just have to resort to showing dan the conversation i had with you that night, then he can ask you about where you got your info because he'll know it wasn't from me

Yours Truly (2:02:48 AM): Whatever helps you sleep at night - I know what I told Dan, I don't know what you think I told dan, but go ahead and show him. Then we'll sit around with some soda or cocca or some other hearty drink and LAUGH about how STUPID this all is
Yours Truly (2:02:50 AM): Sound like a plan?

Bitter Lookin Over (2:03:37 AM): deal

Yours Truly (2:03:41 AM): Good
Yours Truly (2:03:45 AM): Are you finished now?

Bitter Lookin Over (2:04:03 AM): ummm
Bitter Lookin Over (2:04:10 AM): *chuckle*
Bitter Lookin Over (2:04:11 AM): yeahhh

Yours Truly (2:04:21 AM): Good
Yours Truly (2:04:31 AM): I'd say its been a pleasure, but it's really just been surprising and disappointing
Yours Truly (2:04:42 AM): But, you'll just throw in some "You say that about everyone' crap or whatever
Yours Truly (2:04:50 AM): So lets just pretend you did already and end it here

Bitter Lookin Over (2:05:41 AM): oh ok, save me some time, thanks
Yours Truly (2:06:05 AM): Tons
Yours Truly (2:06:09 AM): consider it more than done

Bitter Lookin Over (2:07:42 AM): oh you've been such a help

Yours Truly (2:09:34 AM): Okay, really, its over, just....stop


At 1:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, someone's just a little bitter. seems like it had just about nothing to do with her in the first place. I swear, this campus would be a whole lot happier if everybody got their noses out of other people's business.

At 9:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, you know how people can be. And the years go by and nothing changes. On a different note, faith is always resorted, but in the times you would not reckon. You will find it where you never thought it would be.


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