Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas - Now Hope This Isn't True

First, Merry Christmas. Hope it was bright.

Now, I'm not a conspiracy theorist. Well, most of the time. But I am not going to be sit here and be fed misinformation by the corrupt media, our bullshit president, or any of them. Click the following links. The first details someone claiming to be an insider of the German Intelligence Agency (Who, along with the French and others, knew about 9/11 beforehand. Documented fact). He talks about a few things, but something very important (potentially). He claims to predict an upcoming terrorist attack in Houstan, Texas. Very soon. The second link examines the questions raised by said German man.

Please people, just read this. No knowledge is bad knowledge. It's probably all wrong, but it doesn't hurt anyone to say, hey, What if?


Link 1 - German guys Post: Summarized, scroll down to where the blogger states "Finally....probably a mistake to post..." Theres a LOT of information, but people, seriously, read it.

German Guy: I think it would be very interesting to see Osama bin Laden and Mr Wolfowitz in a room together privately, for I am sure they would kiss each other on the cheeks as brothers under the skin with roughly the same general project, though sharply divergent goals.

Link 2 - Dissection of questions raised by German Guy. Some, such as FEMA, are chilling. None are conclusive.

"Anonymous said...
funny thing....i have a good friend living in Houston. He works for N.A.S.A. and has many German friends in the Intelligence field. i received a holiday e-mail from him yesterday. He has unexpectantly taken an overseas trip with his family citing "security concerns". He advised me to leave New York City this holiday and "get some sun". He has always been tightlipped about his work at N.A.S.A. - he holds a very high position - and his e-mail is monitored. Still, his actions and advice to me struck me as odd....he hates to travel and it's unthinkable he would consider travelling over the holidays. i'm buying a ticket out of the U.S. tomorrow - i advise you to do the same."

Pray for bullshit.


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